Most if not all banks offer a couple different types of accounts designed to help you save and earn on your savings. Some banks go as far as offering special savings programs to assist those that may not have the necessary discipline to stick to a savings plan or simply want an easy way to save automatically. Listed are a few of the most popular bank savings programs presently available to customers. Most require that you have an active checking account in order to qualify.
Wells Fargo - Way to Save by Wells Fargo allows you to schedule daily or monthly transfers of amounts greater than $25 and in addition with their Save as you go option an additional $1 transfer from your checking to savings account will be made for each debit card pin purchase or online bill payment.
Bank of America - Keep the change from Bank of America automatically rounds up each transaction to the nearest dollar and transfers the difference to your savings account every time you use your debit card.
US Bank - The START program allows customers to schedule monthly transfer of $25 or more. In addition they reward customers with a $50 visa gift card once they reach $1000 saved and an additional $50 visa gift card if the funds remain for a period of one year in savings.